U.N. - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2016 - 68 Euro Cent
UN - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2016 Set
25 years membership - Liechtenstein 2015 - 190 Rappen
human rights - Switzerland 2006 - 100 Rappen
human rights - Switzerland 2006 Set
Intern. Year of the water - Switzerland 2003 - 90 Rappen
membership - Switzerland 2002 - 90 Rappen
Environmental protection: International Year of the Mountains - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2002 - 56 Euro Cent
50 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2001 - 21 Shilling
International Year of Seniors 1999 - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1999 - 110 Pfennig
Intern. Year of the elderly - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1999 - 7 Shilling
Intl. Year of the Elderly - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1999 Set
human rights - Switzerland 1998 - 70 Rappen
50 years the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1998 - 110 Pfennig
human rights - Switzerland 1998 - 90 Rappen
50 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1996 - 10 Shilling
First Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Berlin - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1995 - 100 Pfennig
50 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1995 - 10 Shilling
50 years - Switzerland 1995 - 180 Rappen
50 years - Liechtenstein 1995 - 180 Rappen
International Year of the Family - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1994 - 100 Pfennig
50 years - Switzerland 1994 - 180 Rappen
European year for Safety and health at work - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1993 - 100 Pfennig
conference - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1993 - 10 Shilling
Joining the United Nations - Liechtenstein 1991 - 250 Rappen
127 years - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1990 - 25 Pfennig
125 years - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1990 - 10 Pfennig
International Year of Literacy - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1990 - 30 Pfennig
126 years - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1990 - 20 Pfennig
128 years - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1990 - 50 Pfennig
30 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1990 - 7 Shilling
ten years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1989 - 8 Shilling
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1989 - 10 Pfennig
International Year of Peace - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1986 - 35 Pfennig
International Year of Peace - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1986 - 80 Pfennig
Intern. Year of peace - Switzerland 1986 - 35 Rappen
40 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1985 - 4 Shilling
International Year of the Disabled 1981 - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1981 - 60 Pfennig
Intern. Year of people with a disability - Liechtenstein 1981 - 40 Rappen
Weltnahrungstag - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1981 - 6 Shilling
World Food Day - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1981 Set
Intern. Year of the child - Liechtenstein 1979 - 90 Rappen
International Year of the Child - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1979 - 60 Pfennig
Intern. Year of the child - Liechtenstein 1979 - 80 Rappen
International Year of the Child 1979 - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1979 - 10 Pfennig
Intern. Year of the child - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1979 - 2.50 Shilling
Intern. Year of the child - Liechtenstein 1979 - 110 Rappen
International Year of the Child 1979 - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1979 - 20 Pfennig
conference - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1979 - 4 Shilling
30 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1978 - 6 Shilling
ten years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1976 - 3 Shilling
International Year of the Woman 1975 - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1975 - 10 Pfennig
International Year of the Woman 1975 - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1975 - 20 Pfennig
International Year of the Woman 1975 - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1975 - 25 Pfennig
100 years - Liechtenstein 1974 - 40 Rappen
100 years - Liechtenstein 1974 - 60 Rappen
Admission to the United Nations (UNO) - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1973 - 35 Pfennig
25th anniversary the declaration of human rights - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1973 - 35 Pfennig
Admission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations (UNO) - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1973 - 40 Pfennig
International Year of the Book 1972 - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1972 - 40 Pfennig