Buy Nobel prize winners
Carl Spitteler 100 Years Nobel Prize for Literature 1919-2019 - Switzerland 2019 - 100 Rappen
100th Birthday Ernst Otto Fischer - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2018 - 70 Euro Cent
100th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2010 - 130 Euro Cent
Theresa, Mother - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2010 Set
150th birthday of Selma Lagerlöf - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2008 - 100 Euro Cent
50th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize for Medicine to Werner Forßmann - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2006 - 90 Euro Cent
100th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize to Berta von Suttner - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2005 - 55 Euro Cent
100th anniversary of the publication of Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2005 - 55 Euro Cent
100th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize to Robert Koch - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2005 - 144 Euro Cent
150th birthday of Paul Ehrlich - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2004 - 144 Euro Cent
125th birthday from Hermann Hesse - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2002 - 56 Euro Cent
Nobel prize - Switzerland 1997 - 90 Rappen
100 years radio - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1995 - 100 Pfennig
80th birthday of Willy Brandt - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1993 - 100 Pfennig
25th anniversary of death - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1992 - 7 Shilling
Permanent series: Women of German History - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1991 - 200 Pfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1989 - 10 Pfennig
125th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1989 - 6 Shilling
Hermann, Alfred - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1989 Set
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1987 - 35 Pfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1987 - 50 Pfennig
100th birthday of Otto Warburg - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1983 - 50 Pfennig
100th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1983 - 6 Shilling
100th birthday from James Franck and Max Born - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1982 - 80 Pfennig
100th anniversary - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1982
100th anniversary of the discovery of the tuberculosis pathogen by Robert Koch - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1982 - 50 Pfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1980 - 10 Pfennig
Nobel laureate of physics and chemistry - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1979 - 60 Pfennig
100th birthday of Albert Einstein - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1979
50th anniversary of death - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1979 - 6 Shilling
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1979 - 10 Pfennig
Nobel laureate of physics and chemistry - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1979 - 60 Pfennig
Nobel laureate of physics and chemistry - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1979 - 60 Pfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1978 - 10 Pfennig
Nobel laureate in German-language literature - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1978 - 30 Pfennig
Nobel laureate in German-language literature - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1978 - 70 Pfennig
Nobel laureate in German-language literature - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1978
Nobel laureate in German-language literature - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1978 - 50 Pfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1977 - 40 Pfennig
100th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1976 - 3 Shilling
German Nobel Peace Prize Laureates - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1975 - 50 Pfennig
German Nobel Peace Prize Laureates - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1975 - 50 Pfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1975 - 10 Pfennig
German Nobel Peace Prize Laureates - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1975 - 50 Pfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1975 - 20 Pfennig
100th birthday of DR.Albert Schweitzer - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1975 - 70 Pfennig
German Nobel Peace Prize Laureate - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1975
50 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1973 - 4 Shilling
100th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1968 - 3.50 Shilling
Famous people - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1968 - 10 Pfennig
Landsteiner, Dr. Karl - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1968 Set
50th anniversary of death - Switzerland 1967 - 5 Rappen
Famous people - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1967 - 10 Pfennig
90th birthday of Albert Schweitzer - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1965 - 25 Pfennig
90th birthday of Albert Schweitzer - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1965 - 10 Pfennig
90th birthday of Albert Schweitzer - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1965 - 20 Pfennig
60 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1965 - 1.50 Shilling
120th birthday of Wilhelm Röntgen - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1965 - 10 Pfennig
Nobel prize Bertha von Suttner - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1965 Set
For the world peace - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1964 - 25 Pfennig