Buy Agriculture
Fête des Vignerons 2019 - Grape - Switzerland 2019 - 100 Rappen
Fête des Vignerons 2019 - Starling - Switzerland 2019 - 100 Rappen
Fête des Vignerons 2019 - Sun - Switzerland 2019 - 100 Rappen
Fête des Vignerons 2019 - Starling - Switzerland 2019 Set
field crops - Liechtenstein 2017 - 100 Rappen
field crops - Liechtenstein 2017 - 150 Rappen
field crops - Liechtenstein 2017 - 200 Rappen
field crops - Liechtenstein 2017 - 85 Rappen
field crops - Liechtenstein 2017 Set
congratulations - Switzerland 2011 - 100 Rappen
Thanksgiving - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2010 - 55 Euro Cent
Agriculture - Liechtenstein 2010 - 100 Rappen
Agriculture - Liechtenstein 2010 - 130 Rappen
Agriculture - Liechtenstein 2010 - 85 Rappen
Agriculture - Liechtenstein 2010 - 110 Rappen
Agriculture - Liechtenstein 2010 Set
Aerial - Liechtenstein 2007 - 260 Rappen
Holiday Country Austria - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2003 - 100 Euro Cent
willows - Liechtenstein 2003 - 90 Rappen
willows - Liechtenstein 2003 - 90 Rappen
willows - Liechtenstein 2003 - 70 Rappen
willows - Liechtenstein 2003 - 120 Rappen
willows - Liechtenstein 2003 - 70 Rappen
willows - Liechtenstein 2003 - 110 Rappen
willows - Liechtenstein 2003 Set
tourism - Switzerland 2001 - 90 Rappen
175th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1998 - 6.50 Shilling
50 years German Rural Women's Association - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1998 - 110 Pfennig
1100 years Hop growing in Germany - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1998 - 110 Pfennig
Kudlich, Hans - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1998 Set
100 years - Switzerland 1997 - 70 Rappen
Myths and legends - Liechtenstein 1997 - 110 Rappen
125 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1997 - 9 Shilling
welfare: farmhouses in germany - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1996 - 100 Pfennig
welfare: farmhouses in germany - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1996 - 80 Pfennig
welfare: farmhouses in germany - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1996 - 200 Pfennig
welfare: farmhouses in germany - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1996 - 80 Pfennig
welfare: farmhouses in germany - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1996 - 100 Pfennig
grapevine - Liechtenstein 1994 - 60 Rappen
grapevine - Liechtenstein 1994 - 60 Rappen
grapevine - Liechtenstein 1994 - 60 Rappen
grapevine - Liechtenstein 1994 - 60 Rappen
grapevine - Liechtenstein 1994 Set
jobs - Switzerland 1993 - 500 Rappen
folk Art - Switzerland 1993 - 80 Rappen
125th anniversary the founding of the sugar institute berlin - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1992 - 100 Pfennig
folklore - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1991 - 7 Shilling
Permanent series: Women of German History - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1991 - 70 Pfennig
Arts and Culture - Switzerland 1990 - 80 Rappen
Human and professional - Switzerland 1990 - 375 Rappen
autumn traditions - Liechtenstein 1989 - 50 Rappen
autumn traditions - Liechtenstein 1989 - 80 Rappen
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1988 - 20 Pfennig
European campaign for rural areas - Liechtenstein 1988 - 80 Rappen
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1986 - 50 Pfennig
field crops - Liechtenstein 1986 - 80 Rappen
field crops - Liechtenstein 1986 - 90 Rappen
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1986 - 20 Pfennig
field crops - Liechtenstein 1986 - 50 Rappen
40th anniversary - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1985 - 25 Pfennig