Buy Birds / Owls
100 years state bird sanctuary in Seebach - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2008 - 45 Euro Cent
Threatened animals - Switzerland 1995 - 120 Rappen
animals - Switzerland 1991 - 80 Rappen
theatre - Liechtenstein 1985 - 150 Rappen
theatre - Liechtenstein 1985 Set
Figures of the children's television of the GDR: hand puppets - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1972 - 15 Pfennig
Protected birds - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1967 - 5 Pfennig
150th anniversary of death of Matthias Claudius - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1965 - 20
50 years - Switzerland 1960 - 50 Rappen
National Day Donation - Switzerland 1960 - 50 Rappen
50 years - Switzerland 1960 Set
animal welfare - Switzerland 1959 - 20 Rappen