Buy Astronomers
350th birthday of Sir Isaac Newton - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1993 - 100 Pfennig
400th birthday of Johann Adam Schall von Bell - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1992 - 140 Pfennig
600th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1984 - 3.50 Shilling
200th birthday of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1984 - 80 Pfennig
Gmunden, Johannes von - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1984 Set
200th anniversary of the death of Leonhard Euler - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1983 - 20 Pfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1977 - 20 Pfennig
500th birthday - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1973 - 40 Pfennig
500th birthday - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1973 - 70 Pfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1971 - 50 Pfennig
400th birthday of Johannes Kepler - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1971 - 30 Pfennig
250th birthday - Switzerland 1957 - 5 Rappen
Protestant school - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1953 - 1 Shilling