Buy Satellites
Space Exploration - Russia 1994 Set
100th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1992 - 10 Shilling
Europe - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1991 - 100 Pfennig
European Spaceflight - Liechtenstein 1991 - 90 Rappen
Europe - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1991 - 60 Pfennig
European Spaceflight - Liechtenstein 1991 - 50 Rappen
128 years - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1990 - 50 Pfennig
European satellite technology - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1986 - 80 Pfennig
Halley's Comet, GIOTTO mission of esa - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1986 - 80 Pfennig
General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Hamburg 1983 - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1983 - 120 Pfennig
50 years - Switzerland 1979 - 70 Rappen
Intercosmos program - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1978 - 20 Pfennig
Intercosmos program - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1978 - 10 Pfennig
Intercosmos program - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1978 - 35 Pfennig
Intercosmos program - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1978
Postage stamps: industry and technology - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1975 - 5 Pfennig
Space Radio Conference - Switzerland 1971 - 80 Rappen
International Transport Exhibition (IVA), Munich 1965 - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1965 - 10
Block edition: International Years of the Quiet Sun. - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1964
Block edition: International Years of the Quiet Sun. - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1964
Landing of the Soviet space rocket Lunik 2 on the moon - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1959 - 20 Pfennig
International Geophysical Year - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1957 - 10 Pfennig