Famous people - France 1961 Set Inventory
This is the inventory for Famous people - France 1961 Set. If you want to buy from this inventory, you can part it out into your wishlist. This inventory may not be 100% complete and should only be used as a guide.
Charles-Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806) - France 1961
Qty: 1
Comte Antoine Drouot (1774-1847) - France 1961
Qty: 1
Du Guesclin (1314-1380) - France 1961
Qty: 1
Fauchard Pierre (1678-1761) - France 1961 - 0.50
Qty: 1
Georges Méliès (1861-1938) - France 1961 - 0.50
Qty: 1
Lacordaire (1802-1861) - France 1961 - 0.30
Qty: 1
Tobacco - Jean Nicot 1561 - France 1961 - 0.30
Qty: 1