Buy Theologians / Popes
canonization - Liechtenstein 2014 - 1.40 Franken
canonization - Liechtenstein 2014 - 140 Rappen
canonization - Liechtenstein 2014 Set
80th birthday of Pope Benedikt XVI. - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2007 - 55 Euro Cent
80th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2007 - 100 Euro Cent
Pope Benedict XVI - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2007 Set
500 years - Switzerland 2005 - 85 Rappen
Pope John Paul II dies - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2005 - 55 Euro Cent
500 years - Switzerland 2005 - 100 Rappen
Popes - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2005 - 100 Euro Cent
John Paul II, Pope - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2005 Set
70th Birthday - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1990 - 35 Pfennig
Visiting Pope John Paul II in the Federal Republic of Germany / 17. Marian Congress / 10. Mariological Congress Kevelaer 1987 - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1987 - 80 Pfennig
visit - Liechtenstein 1985 - 50 Rappen
visit - Liechtenstein 1985 - 80 Rappen
visit - Liechtenstein 1985 - 300 Rappen
visit - Liechtenstein 1985 - 170 Rappen
Popes - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1983 - 6 Shilling
Freimarke - Liechtenstein 1983 - 80 Rappen
Freimarke - Liechtenstein 1983 Set
death - Liechtenstein 1959 - 30 Rappen
death - Liechtenstein 1959 Set