Buy Engineers
300th birthday - Switzerland 2009 - 85 Rappen
200th birthday of Johann August Röbling - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2006 - 145 Euro Cent
400th birthday to Otto von Guericke - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2002 - 153 Euro Cent
125th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1985 - 3.50 Shilling
Hörbiger, Hans - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1985 Set
100th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1983 - 3 Shilling
Terzaghi, Dr. Karl von - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1983 Set
Congress of Surveyors - Switzerland 1981 - 80 Rappen
100th birthday - Switzerland 1979 - 20 Rappen
100th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1976 - 2.50 Shilling
Kaplan, Viktor - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1976 Set
150th birthday - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1952 - 1.50 Shilling
Birthdays and deaths of famous people - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1952 - 20 Pfennig
Ghega, Dr. K. Ritter von - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1952 Set