Buy Postal services / UPU
125 years - Liechtenstein 1999 - 70 Rappen
125 years - Switzerland 1999 - 70 Rappen
125 years - Switzerland 1999 - 20 Rappen
100th anniversary of death of Heinrich of Stephan - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1997 - 100 Pfennig
Universal Postal Congress - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1984 - 60 Pfennig
Universal Postal Congress - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1984 - 120 Pfennig
Universal Postal Congress - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1984 - 80 Pfennig
150th birthday of Heinrich von Stephan - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1981 - 10 Pfennig
Heinrich von Stephan (1831-97) founder of the UPU - Switzerland 1974 - 40 Rappen
100 years - Liechtenstein 1974 - 40 Rappen
Montgomery Blair (1813-83) general postmaster USA - Switzerland 1974 - 80 Rappen
100 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1974 - 2 Shilling
› Eugene Borel (1835-92) 1st director of the UPU - Switzerland 1974 - 30 Rappen
100 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1974 - 4 Shilling
100 years - Liechtenstein 1974 - 60 Rappen
100 years Universal Postal Union - Germany / German Democratic Republic 1974 - 35 Pfennig
inauguration - Switzerland 1970 - 80 Rappen
inauguration - Switzerland 1970 Set
100th anniversary of the first international postal conference - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1963 - 40
imprint - Liechtenstein 1950 - 100#40
75 years - Liechtenstein 1949 - 40 Rappen
75 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1949 - 40 Groschen
75 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1949 - 1 Shilling
75 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1949 - 60 Groschen
50 years - Switzerland 1924 - 20 Rappen
50 years - Switzerland 1924 - 30 Rappen
Commemorative stamp set - Germany / Deutsches Reich 1924 - 10 Rentenpfennig
Postage stamp set - Germany / Deutsches Reich 1924 - 60 Rentenpfennig
Postage stamp set - Germany / Deutsches Reich 1924 - 80 Rentenpfennig
Commemorative stamp set - Germany / Deutsches Reich 1924 - 20 Rentenpfennig
25 years - Switzerland 1900 - 25 Rappen
25 years - Switzerland 1900 - 10 Rappen
25 years - Switzerland 1900 - 5 Rappen