Buy Postal services / Postman
Post: picture stories - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2007 - 55 Euro Cent
post - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2007 Set
Post; Rural house mailbox - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 2003 - 55 Euro Cent
field post - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2001 - 7 Shilling
Greeting brand - Liechtenstein 2001 - 70 Rappen
Greeting brand - Liechtenstein 2001 - 70 Rappen
Army postal service - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2001 Set
Greeting brand - Liechtenstein 2001 Set
Cartoon character Pingu - Switzerland 1999 - 90 Rappen
150 years - Switzerland 1999 - 90 Rappen
Cartoon character Pingu - Switzerland 1999 - 70 Rappen
Blockausgabe - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1997
day of the stamp - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1995 - 200 Pfennig
employee - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1995 - 6 Shilling
day of the stamp - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1994 - 100 Pfennig
day of the stamp - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1993 - 100 Pfennig
Embassy - Liechtenstein 1992 - 50 Rappen
day of the stamp - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1991 - 100 Pfennig
International Postal Services - Liechtenstein 1990 - 90 Rappen
Help with floods - Switzerland 1987 - 50 Rappen
Services - Switzerland 1987 - 50 Rappen
post - Switzerland 1986 - 80 Rappen
day of the stamp - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1986 - 6 Shilling
100 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1974 - 4 Shilling
day of the stamp - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1972 - 4 Shilling
day of the stamp - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1967 - 3.50 Shilling
Congress international philatelic association - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1966 - 50 Pfennig
day of the stamp - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1966 - 3 Shilling
day of the stamp - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1965 - 3 Shilling
Exhibition The letter in the change of five centuries - Germany / Federal Republic of Germany 1961 - 7
postal history - Switzerland 1960 - 15 Rappen
postal history - Switzerland 1960 - 20 Rappen
postal history - Switzerland 1960 - 10 Rappen
postal history - Switzerland 1960 - 5 Rappen
postman - Switzerland 1949 - 5 Rappen
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / Deutsches Reich 1944 - 12 Reichspfennig
Commemorative stamp series - Germany / Deutsches Reich 1944 - 6 Reichspfennig